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Gordon Bennett!

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Gordon Bennett! Empty Gordon Bennett!

Post  jpr60 Sun May 15, 2011 8:18 pm

Anuvva bunch of carrot crunchers in the Premier League. Gawd blimey, they'll let anyone in nahdays won't they? 'Ow d'you make it up 'ere then, gotta lucky ticket or summink? It's like yer tourism innit, they come up 'ere ferra quick look rahnd, visit the top clubs then shoot off back dahn from whence they came, innit? Oh well, enjoy yerselves but don't fink you'll get much outta the big boys up 'ere, there'll be up yer like a rat up a drain pipe, you won't know what's 'it yer!
Don't say I didn't warn yer, eh?


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Age : 56
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